Yesterday Corey and I attended New Smyrna's Christmas parade with Aunt Molly, Alex, and Alyssa. It was an interesting evening as the parade was SCHEDULED to start at 4 p.m., which we thought was a little late for a parade. Well, here is how it unfolded. Like good parade go-ers we arrived around 3:45 p.m. so as not to miss the beginning of the parade and find a good spot. Well it turned out that as soon as we came out on Canal St. both Alyssa and Alex so friends from school, so we hung out there. We were happy to begin with...
While waiting for the parade Corey read some books, and...
was entertained by the beautiful Alyssa, and...
Had a snack, and...
Got sick of his stroller, and...
Played with Aunt Molly, and...
Looked in store windows, and...
Said "hi" to the people around us, and...
Got really fussy, and wanted a balloon that was outside a nearby store, and...
Gave this face to the lady standing outside the store, and ...
Got a balloon from the lady, and played with it for a little while before FINALLY (one hour late)
The parade started, well kind of started, the motorcycle cops entertained the ever impatient crowd by doing circles on their bike, then the REAL parade started.
The highlights of the parade were our congresswomen, Sussanne Kosmas, and of course...
Santa Clause
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