Tuesday, October 28, 2008
11 Months Old
Our Halloween Party
The Party
The party went off without a hitch we had quite a few people show up, and I can't believe I forgot to take pictures of the food, but I made graveyard stones, blood toes, and mummy dogs. The food was a big hit, we didn't have any left after it was all said and done!!!
Here are some pictures of our guests and the fun times we had!!!
The Firefighter and his Devil Dog
Sleep Martha...Corey really liked her teddy bear and fake pacifier (not the one in his mouth)
Corey in his whole get-up, minus the hat of course!
Corey and me looking at all of Chris's hard work outside
I'm not entirely sure what to say about this...
People eating, Sheryl really looks like a vampiress in this pic, with the red eye!!!
Chris (the doctor) reattaching the Dark Knight's arm
Sheryl and OP
Will and Stephanie
That stinkin' arm won't stay on!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Petting Zoo
Corey then got to go on a pony ride. My adorable, quirky son, with the most serious face, rode the pony while making his car sound (bbbbbrrrrrrvvvvvvvfffffff). He was cracking me up because it took so much concentration and he was so serious. I wish I had the video camera at this point
Can't you just see the seriousness on his face here?
After touring all the animals we went on a hay ride. Chris was tickling Corey with a piece of hay, he took it and chewed on it like the farmboy that he is. He looks like a little farmer Joe in these pictures...
We finally stopped for lunch, I was feed Corey throughout the whole tour because we started the tour at lunchtime. Then we had a gift exchange. We Sarah and Noah got Corey some books and a very cute outfit.
All the kids then dressed up in the Halloween costumes and we took some pictures in the pumpkin patch.