This past Sunday Corey, Chris, and I ventured to Kissimmee to the Green Meadow's Farm to meet up with some other mommies and their babies who were born around the time Corey was. We met online on a birthclub at We are now on a spinoff board, and the mommies that live in Florida (and one from New Mexico who was here on vacation) decided to meet up.
We got in the car on the way to go at Corey's nap time and he fell asleep shortly after getting in the car.
When we got there we waited for the whole group to get there and went inside to begin our tour. Our first stop was at the goats, which Corey loved. Of course he loves all animals and I am lucky I did not have to try to stop him from kissing them.

Next, we stopped at the turkeys where Corey proceeded to step in turkey dung. So, we had to take off his shoes and he couldn't walk around anymore.

(Excuse the highwaters, I went to put on my only clean pair of jeans and the ripped so I was stuck with these pants)
Next, we saw some bigger animals that we couldn't go in and pet. Then, we went on a train ride and got to see a lot of the farm which was beautiful!!!

This is a "zorse" in the background which is half horse, half zebra. They are sterile so the only way to "make" them is to breed a horse and zebra.
As we went on we all "herded" some ducks and geese, although I was a little leary of them because all ducks and geese I have ever met have not been very nice.

Corey then got to go on a pony ride. My adorable, quirky son, with the most serious face, rode the pony while making his car sound (bbbbbrrrrrrvvvvvvvfffffff). He was cracking me up because it took so much concentration and he was so serious. I wish I had the video camera at this point
Can't you just see the seriousness on his face here?
After touring all the animals we went on a hay ride. Chris was tickling Corey with a piece of hay, he took it and chewed on it like the farmboy that he is. He looks like a little farmer Joe in these pictures...

We finally stopped for lunch, I was feed Corey throughout the whole tour because we started the tour at lunchtime. Then we had a gift exchange. We Sarah and Noah got Corey some books and a very cute outfit.

All the kids then dressed up in the Halloween costumes and we took some pictures in the pumpkin patch.

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