Our plane trip was pretty uneventful. It was fun trying to keep a toddler busy on a packed plane!!! The lady in the row in front of us told me Corey did "marvelous" I wanted to ask her to hold him on the way back :) Corey fell asleep just as the plane was about to land, woke up for the 2 hour ride to my sisters, then fell asleep as we were pulling in the driveway. We got to Corry, PA at about 10:45 and we stayed up playing until midnight. In true Corey fashion he was up at 7:30 Saturday morning.
We spent the morning playing and took a nice nap. While Corey was napping Kyle and Nicholas had their lunches, and Corey enjoyed his when he woke up.

When Kyle woke up from his nap we went to NY to visit Aunt Dawn and her family. She has three sweet girls and Corey, Kyle, and Nicholas had a blast!!!!

Corey fell asleep on the way home and was transferred to the crib without issue.
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